ChatGPT-4: Revolutionary Processing Technology

A silhouette of a human head in profile. Instead of a brain, there is circuitry.
Articificial intelligence is doing more and more thinking for us. (source)

OpenAI has recently unveiled ChatGPT-4, a powerful new language processing technology that can converse like a human and understand natural language. This language model is the most advanced to date. It has the potential to transform various industries such as customer service and healthcare.

While ChatGPT-4 could offer significant benefits, there are concerns that it could lead to job losses. For example, customer service chatbots powered by this technology could replace human customer service representatives. There are also worries that it could be used to create deepfakes or manipulate public opinion.

However, the creators of ChatGPT-4 have said that safeguards are in place to prevent its misuse. They also said that the technology could create new job opportunities in industries such as data science and AI development.

ChatGPT-4 is a powerful new AI technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate with machines. While it could lead to job losses, it could also create new job opportunities. It is important to use this technology ethically and responsibly.

Source: ChatGPT

For source links, see the article on

Worksheet with activities


Hear the article spoken:

Useful Language

  • Revolutionary (adj) - completely new and different, causing a big change
  • Language processing (n) - the ability of a computer to understand, interpret, and generate human language
  • Unveil (v) - to make public for the first time
  • Converse (v) - to take part in a conversation or to talk with someone
  • Potential (adj) - the possibility of something happening or being true in the future
  • Deepfake (n) - a digital image, video or audio that appears real but is actually fake
  • Manipulate (v) - to control or influence something or someone in a clever or dishonest way
  • Misuse (n) - the incorrect or harmful use of something
  • Safeguard (n) - a measure taken to protect against potential harm or danger
  • Revolutionize (v) - to change something completely
  • Ethically (adv) - in a way that is morally right


Discuss the following questions with your partner(s).

  1. What did you think about this story? Was there any surprising information?
  2. Have you tried ChatGPT? How was it? If not, are you interested in trying it out?
  3. Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about the future of technology and humanity?
  4. How could businesses benefit by using ChatGPT?
  5. Are you personally worried about job losses because of ChatGPT? Could it affect you, your family, or your friends?
  6. Have you seen any deepfakes? How do you feel about them?
  7. Do you trust the creators of ChatGPT to stop it being misused?
  8. How do we communicate with machines now?
  9. The news article above was written by ChatGPT-4. Are you impressed?
  10. What does science fiction mean to you? Talk about an idea from science-fiction if you can.